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Construction Field Assessment – AJZ Risk Management will conduct site risk assessments to determine compliance with OSHA requirements and internal procedures. This service is useful to those contractors who are not large enough to support a full time safety director.
Chemical and Physical Agent Risk Assessment: OSHA requires that many chemicals and physical agents be objectively evaluated. AJZ Risk Management can evaluate both airborne contaminants and noise levels and in many cases, can identify engineering controls that eliminate the need for compliance monitoring. Examples would include noise, hexavalent chromium and lead.
OSHA Compliance:
OSHA Fine Mitigation: Our expertise with OSHA general industry and construction standards can help lower fines substantially and help you provide an acceptable response to OSHA regarding citation abatement.
MOCK OSHA Inspections: This service is a detailed evaluation of OSHA compliance within your organization. This also covers administrative areas such as recordkeeping requirements.
Chemical and Physical Hazard characterization. Noise and chemical exposures require professional evaluation to identify exposure levels. Failure to do so can lead to illness, injury and citations.
Provide required training to address mandatory Federal requirements, but more importantly, keeping your most important asset, your employees, safe.
Risk assessments are performed for a number of reasons. Insurance carriers conduct them to determine how well exposures are controlled and to determine the premium. Companies will have risk assessments done to identify and remedy gaps in their program with the goal of preventing losses and to get a more favorable insurance program. With a wide range in price for the same coverage’s, let AJZ Risk Management assess your program as a commercial carrier would and allow you to present your firm’s risk in the most favorable light.
Still other firms use risk assessments to determine compliance to their own procedures and to determine the effectiveness of safety training of employees or subcontractors working at your site. One thing is clear, firms that take documented steps to identify and enforce compliance with safety have better safety records and generally obtain favorable rates.